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Villisca Axe Murder House - Real Haunted Place

  • 508 E. 2nd St.
  • Villisca, IA
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An entire family was brutally murdered in this home back in 1912. Two adults and six children were killed with an axe, and the home is believed to be haunted by their spirits. The house was investigated and featured on the TV show Ghost Adventures and renovated in the 1990s to serve as a local museum. A documentary had also been made surrounding the home and its murders, which to this day, remains unsolved. It has been said that the murders were so horrific that the case took the sinking of the Titanic (which occurred about two months earlier) off the front page of the newspaper.
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  • Yeah it's haunted

    Went there with some friends and our kids. Something kept lifting my hair. I have longish hair, so everyone else saw it as well. My hair is pretty heavy and usually lies flat unless it's windy. It felt pretty weird and caused me to feel nauseous. At one point, a ball rolled into the room and wildly circled between us all and then stopped. There's a little room in the kitchen and when I entered it, I felt overwhelming grief and started crying. As soon as I left that area, I felt fine and was embarrassed by my crying. One of my friends saw a shadow figure and then later that month saw the same shadow figure in their home. It can follow people so be careful. If we go there again, I will be sure we do a blessing or something before leaving so it stays there.

    Posted 2/17/24

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  • Day Time Tour

    Took my kids there 2 times and had experiences. both times I was scratched both times we were there and caught evps and had some good spirit box communication's. Had a ball roll out of the attic at us in the parents room and had one of the Stillinger girls come through in the room they were in

    Posted 1/23/24

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  • Try it more than once

    Villisca is a great place to experience but is not always as active as things seen on TV every night. Sometimes you visit and it is more quiet and other nights more active. Also I did find it to have paranormal activity, however, I did not find it to be as crazy as it is rumored to be.

    Posted 12/22/23

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  • Jamison Lavon Buelow Richmond

    A local man named Jamison Lavon Buelow Richmond who parished in 1943 during the war is seen lurking on the outskirts of this very home. It doesn’t make sense but neither does most of this stuff.

    Posted 12/4/20

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  • True Paranormal Activity

    We did our first investigation of Villisca Axe Murder House in April 2017. We received amazing results. Results beyond anything else we ever expected to receive. You must watch our videos on YouTube. MtHopeParanormal.com @MHopeParanormal

    Posted 11/4/17

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  • Really want to go back again

    Me nd my friend were the first people their waiting to see inside.. The door was padalocked closed but found that the inside door was open even in photos taken. I had gome upstairs and while their said i was going to sit on the edge of one of the kids beds and if they wanted to they could come sit with me on it and few moments later the bed moved slightly as if someone got on the bed and moved to the back of it.

    Posted 8/18/16

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Last edit to this listing: 11/17/2017 (2666 days ago)

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