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Terre Haute Cemetery - Real Decatur City Haunt

  • Terre Haute Cemetery
  • Decatur City, IA
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  (3 reviews)
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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This cemetery is said to be haunted by the ghost of a young boy who can be seen playing on the swing set behind a cabin that is adjacent to the cemetery. It has been said that he motions for you to follow him into the cemetery where he is buried, only to vanish once you arrive at his grave.
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  • Me and the Ghosts

    I live in the house next to the cemetery and there are several ghosts here, one that is in the woods behind the cemetery, he is older and kind of mean, and sets off my cars back up sensor all the time, a lady in maybe her 20s whom sounds like she is constantly screaming and running from something or someone and she likes to come into my room and sit and watch me on the side of my bed, and a little boy who likes to open doors and slam them and mess with our hens we have.

    Posted 10/25/24

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  • The Flashlight

    Me and my we’re bored so we decided to go to Terra hut it was like a 40 minute drive we got there around 9:30 we walked around for 30 minutes nothing really crazy happened this black cat was being really weird it would want us to fold around and we wouldn’t it will come back and just circle around until we followed it until it let us to a cabin we stayed outside the cabin for five minutes until we saw a flashlight in the nearby woods running towards us we all ran to the car and got out of there!!!

    Posted 5/3/21

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  • The little boy

    So me and my friends were bored and wanted to do something haunted at 3 am so we went on a trip to this cemetery and we brought an Ouji board after nothing happening we started exploring and after while of hearing footstep when no one was walking we waited til we saw something a boy looked about 8 and we followed him around right by his grave we saw a person hanging herself and a bunch of crying about that time we were heading back we saw a group of people around my car they stared at us and said "help us hes coming" then they vanished but we noticed something on my back window when we got home there were hand prints all over my car and we all had scratches in us.

    Posted 3/9/20

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 1,798
Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3345 days ago)

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