Stoneking Cemetery - Russell IA Real Haunted Places

- Stoneking Cemetery, East of Williamson
- Russell, IA
- Average Review
- (17 reviews)
- Listing Categories
- Real Haunted Cemeteries
- Open To Public
- Yes - Open To Public
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- Centerville Railroad Tracks25.1 miles away
- Simpson College - Old Chapel - College Hall32.6 miles away
- Terre Haute Cemetery37.2 miles away
- Davis City Cemetery40.0 miles away
- Hotel Ottumwa41.1 miles away
- Ottumwa Cemetery41.3 miles away
Recently Shared Experiences & Comments
Share Your ExperiencesHigh School and 10 years later
I visited Stoneking the first time with my girlfriend, friend, and friends little brother. The trip at night is sketchy since it is a level B in the middle of a forest with many turns. The only thing that happened while out there was getting out of the car I noticed the moon was a blood red color. Only my friends little brother (15 at the time) and myself noticed this detail. We did all the rituals involved with the graves in order to see the "floating orb" that was rumored. Nothing. When I was visiting the town after years, my good buddy took me and my wife who is rather goth and hispanic. This is very dangerous to visit this place if you are a PoC as there is known Klan activity in the forest. There is also many rumors of cult activity regarding animal sacrifice. Aside from being eerie, this was a relatively calm trip but it did make us anxious as you can only see 20 yards ahead at any moment due to the road shifting.
Posted 7/3/24The cult
First off I live super close to stoneking and it’s horrific because you pass 1000 acres and The lords. My mom and some of her friends had similar experiences as people have like hearing things behind the trees and stuff. My sister as well took a picture at the front gate, it was not foggy or windy and she looked back at the photo and there was this figure behind her and it was just weird. I have went with a group at night and nothing happened but I went today with a friend and before we got there we turned around cause were obviously scared of what might happen and because The Lords houses. If you don’t know what they are it’s seen as an incest “cult” who are “cannibals”. They have no connection to us but they have had run in to people and they have helped. But that’s not the point, we turned around near a hunting ground and everything was off about things like the cattle and the wild life so we head back and we past this red truck and later my friend goes home and on the way back she sees the same red truck on the etchers side so that’s like south of my house so obviously she’s freaked out then a couple other trucks come out of no where and like it felt like we were followed home and like they waited. It was just a feeling of course. I know it sounds super fake but there is something wrong with the woods in the area of Weller and Russel.
Posted 6/7/24Stone King Cemetery
Me and my dad went there at night and we got EMF reading on our EMF reader it was mostly by the old old Graves we got a EMF to Orange by Lewis L Clark grave it is haunted We Believe something please don't go out there though we did this for a dare I talked to my friend on it and she started bleeding heavily and then it stopped after we stop talking about the ghosts that place is very haunted We Believe
Posted 2/20/242 out of 2 found this review helpful
Go with a group
Heard stories/tales about this place growing up. Went with my girlfriend and her friend years ago in high school at night week of Halloween. Didn't get to see the cemetery that night as we pulled up, there were a group of older guys hanging there with a couple of cars. Turned back around but they started to follow us. Not sure what their intentions would have been had they stopped us but wasn't looking to find out. Scariest part was at times they would follow us with their headlights out. Took a couple wrong turns and they tried to block us off the road. Got to the point where I wouldn't have cared about causing any damage to our friends car just to ram them off the road. Still unsure how we didn't get in an accident to this day but finally lost them going back to town. Unsure about any spiritual things that go on out there but there are weird people/cults that hang around there.
Posted 10/11/23Spooky but not dangerous
Went as a teen with a friend and her parents. When we got there, my 35mm would not turn on. New batteries, new film, no damage or any previous issues. Even replaced the batteries and film just to be sure and it just would not turn on. I ended up giving up and using my digital camera which didn’t show anything out of the ordinary that I can recall. The photos are long gone by now unfortunately. Her parents went back into the trees but they saw nothing at Joseph’s stone. Both are alive and well today. Strangest thing was, after we left and drove off, I checked my 35mm again and it turned on as usual. Nothing wrong with it at all.
Posted 3/14/221 out of 1 found this review helpful
Gravestone Headstone
What you say his headstone says is incorrect it actually says “ Dear children as you pass by, as you are now, so once was I, as I am now, so soon you’ll be, prepare for death and follow me my grandfather has known that since he’s was about 13 and he is 57.
Posted 12/5/203 out of 4 found this review helpful
Not haunted
I've camped out there! Theres nothing haunted about anything! I would recommend going to see a part of the old coal mining towns of the area which is rich in history! One of my favorite places to go be outdoors not just there but the area!
Posted 11/1/200 out of 2 found this review helpful
Not haunted
I highly doubt it's haunted lol whoever thinks this is crazy
Posted 10/31/200 out of 3 found this review helpful
found this cemetery in a Haunted Iowa book.
some scenic gravel travel. The book stated the cemetery was in Children of the Corn. so I came home and watched the 1984 version. no. still a beautiful old country cemetery. used Google Maps (and the said book) to get there....when we left, Google Maps couldn't find anything. until we got back to the highway. interesting experience....
Posted 8/11/20Beautiful Cemetery
it is quite peaceful during the day! Its one of our favorite stops to take pictures at because the background is stunning. No paranormal activity during the day not sure about night time.
Posted 6/15/201 out of 1 found this review helpful
Very Scary! Would Reccomend
The girls and I decided to take a fun little road trip in the Prius out to Stoneking Cemetery. The journey there was a little sketchy. We recommend taking the long route so you don't risk getting stuck on the level B. We whipped up to Oak Hill Stone King cemetery, but before we could even enter the gate, we wanted to snap a quick pic with the sign. We left the doors open and the keys in. As we were standing, all the doors slammed closed, mind you there is no wind tonight, and we heard cackling and screaming from the woods. When I tell you we peed ourselves sprinting to the car. We sent it out of there as quickly as we could. Would highly recommend taking this trip with your friends if you enjoy a good scare.
Posted 4/28/204 out of 4 found this review helpful
Went doing the day and night
During the day, it was peaceful and beautiful, durning the night it was quite creepy, heard some stuff that I didn’t like and we left.
Posted 9/18/191 out of 1 found this review helpful
Last Night
When my friends and I walked into the gate we heard 3 high pitched screams then we got a ghost box and we kept getting told to said GET OUT, the other was a girl and she said please leave and the last was a little boy saying leave. We left after being told to leave so many times. They don’t want us’s not safe.
Posted 7/3/191 out of 1 found this review helpful
A Peaceful Cemetary sitting on a hill
went and visited it, the wind was blowing, birds singing, nothing sinister, nothing but a peaceful day...I agree with the granddaughter, people are very disrespectful...its to bad the family has to endure the vandlism and stories....
Posted 4/13/191 out of 2 found this review helpful
When I went a few years ago it was terrifying.
Posted 9/1/180 out of 4 found this review helpful
I am Joseph stoneking great great great granddaughter.
I am a direct decent of Joseph. My maternal grandmothers maiden name was stoneking. Joseph's headstone was not used in children of the corn.I think it very disrespectful to urinate on a grave,would you like any peeing on your grandpa? just saying. As for it being haunted I feel it is as most cemetery's are but the spirits there are usually peaceful unless you are there with sinister intentions. There has been a lot of vandalism out there, we don't mind visitors but please be respectful.
Posted 6/3/1815 out of 17 found this review helpful
Just got back
I just got back from stone king and did everything there was to do. No stoneking sittng on the grave or anyting. I was there for an hour trying to see something. And just to clear up the rumor that if you piss on it the letters will disappear is false because of the stone its made of is all polished besides the wrighting therefor when getting it wet it gives that wet polished look so it blends in. I could tell before getting it wet that it was the case.
Posted 11/2/175 out of 9 found this review helpful
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Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3326 days ago)