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Pleasant Ridge Cemetery - Palo IA Real Haunt

  • Off Palo Marsh Rd.
  • Palo, IA
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  (6 reviews)
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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This cemetery has 13 stairs that lead up to it and locals say they have heard unexplained voices on tape, and witnessed apparitions, and being touched by something unseen. Before entering, look for signs of no trespassing, the laws may have changed at the location.
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Recently Shared Experiences & Comments

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  • Girlfriend came back with scratches on back

    A while back a group of friends went out before the gate was added to the entrance (around 2005). The cemetery was not the highlight but the trail in the wooded area. We ended up getting separated and my girlfriend ended up up with very distinct scratches that looked like claw marks on her back (I would know it wasn't there beforehand) and no memory of when we got separated or where she had been when we met back up.

    Posted 2/26/24

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  • weird

    My friends bf went there with this other guy and he got pushed off the stairs and landed on his right side. His hand is all wounded and he said that it felt like he got pushed and then like someone stopped him and dropped him. He also had to go back out to get his wallet.

    Posted 11/18/23

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  • All Hallows eve

    I found the cemetery walking through a trail and came back on all Hallows eve I knew the history of the place and it was a bit dark me and a few friends went up there just to check it out I saw grim or big black dogs with red eyes about the size of half a car I felt drained and got out of there

    Posted 6/29/21

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    2 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • Pleasant ridge is NOT haunted

    All of these stories are fucking fake lmao how gullible can you be there is always 13 stairs it's not Harry potter theres no witchcraft or wizardry no dog no phantom fucking house(Would be cool) nice location LETS GO PAUL FELDER IRISH DRAGON

    Posted 11/14/20

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    0 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • The Iowa KKK??

    I assure you the that an "Iowa KKK" does NOT meet there. It's perfectly safe out there. It's incredibly unlikely that you'd stumble across a meeting of that nature in Iowa. I'm not saying there aren't Iowans that have sentiments & opinions aligned with that of the KKK because I'm sure there are some but as for the meetings, white hoods, etc, it's just not something you'll see here. This isn't the deep south—far from it.

    Posted 4/14/19

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    1 out of 5 found this review helpful

  • Scariest part isn't the cemetery

    It's walking through a trail in the woods. Rumor has it, Iowa KKK members meet at a circle opening at the end of the trail. We found the circle and decided if the rumor were true, it'd be best not to stick around. As for the cemetery, nothing paranormal occurred. You can convince yourself any cemetery is scary if you want but I experienced nothing.

    Posted 10/25/16

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    1 out of 6 found this review helpful

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 4,086
Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3344 days ago)

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