Prepare to Scare! Haunted Houses in Iowa Hiring for the 2016 Halloween Season
Home » Blog » News and Updates, Iowa Haunt News
August 24, 2016 By Chelsea T.

We are getting creepingly close to the Halloween Season here in Iowa and Haunted Attractions all across the state are preparing to open their doors for 2016. To assure a successful Haunting Season, employees are needed at local attractions.
There are a bunch of open positions, ranging from scare actors to behind the scenes workers such as makeup artists and security. Working together as a team, while assuring their duties are fulfilled, the employees of a haunt are absolutely key to its success. If you're interested in joining a haunt family for the 2016 Halloween Season, take a peek at the attractions listed below and reach out today!
Dark Chambers Haunted Attraction
301 Ice Harbor, Dr., Dubuque, IA 52001
319-464-5906 |
Note: Must be 18 or older to apply & able to work for 6+ hours each night.
Panic Park
5932 N. Union Rd., Cedar Falls, IA 50613
Sinister Sidney
1308 Filmore St., Sidney, IA 51652
The Heart of Darkness
5111 Osage Rd., Waterloo, IA 50707
Thrashers House of Terror
405 E. Thresher Rd., Mount Pleasant, IA 52641
Is Your Haunt Hiring for 2016? Let Us Know!
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